Aug 8, 2009

Aug 3, 2009

New Blog

I;m so gunna start a new blog. this one sux

Jun 30, 2009


OMYGOD I AM THIRTEEN!!!!! I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!! Today was my b-day, and I rode my new horse for the first real time, and he is fab!!! I am so happy!!!!!!! TTY LATA!!!!!!!

Jun 28, 2009

What I Have Been Reading...

Wildwood Dancing

Recently (at camp) I have been reading a good bit. But I wanted to tell y'all about this book I just finished: Wildwood Dancing. It is based on traditional Translyvanian Folklore, so it is definetly a fantasy novel. It is very well written, and I could NOT put it down. I was addicted!!!!!!! I can't wait to go to the book store and buy the second one!
Here is a review that someone wrote on Amazon:

I am a huge fan of Juliet Marillier's Sevenwaters trilogy and was so excited to hear that she was delving into a more light-hearted, young-adult style with her latest novel. This is one of those rare books that captures you instantly and keeps you reading late into the night just so you can find out how it ends.

Wildwood Dancing is a whimsical twist on the story of the twelve dancing princesses. Juliet Mariller has chisled away at seven of the sisters and left us with a faerie tale about five young sisters who, on the night of the full moon, venture to the wildwood forest, a place of faeries and other creatures, where they can spend these nights dancing and being merry.

The heroine of the story is Jena, the second eldest of the sisters and the one who seems to be the most in charge. Jena's best friend is her pet frog Gogu, who she can communicate with.

The story has many themes and issues that are all very adult in context. The story starts out with Jena and her sisters being left alone as there father travels far away to do business. The girls are left to care for the castle and this is something they are fine with...until there conniving cousin Cezar comes into the mix. Cezar is one of the BEST villians I have loathed in a long, long time. He wants power, and when the girls get news that there father is ill and may not return, Cezar moves himself into the castle and decides he is in charge. The elements of sexism and women not having rights is strong and I was very irritated at the way the girls were treated by Cezar just because they are female.
There is plenty of magic and romance in this novel and it is beautifully written and elegantly paced. I relished every last page of this book!

If you are looking for a somewhat historical, magical, light-hearted, romantic tale, then you should definetly pick this book!

I REALLY want y'all to read this book! It is absolutely fabulous.

Here is the Amazon link if you want to read the first few pages:
Click the cover picture on the page to "LOOK INSIDE."

If you do want to read it, you can borrow my copy.

Jun 27, 2009

Re-vamping this Blog.

IM BACK FROM CAMP YALL!!!!!! And now that I am back, I have decided to re-vamp this blog. I will write everything that has to do with Fashion, Music, and Literature, sinse those are the things I love the most other than horses. So... It will begin soon. Happy Reading my fellow fashionistas!!!

Jun 5, 2009

Leaving fer a little....

Ok. I know that I haven't posted in a REALLY long time, but nuthing worhtwhile has really been going on.... I am leaving for camp tommorow, so I will be gone for anohter three weeks. After that I am planning to focus on my blog a little more. OK, well maybe a WHOLE lot more. During camp I'm going to tri to write something daily, and I will post htose when I get home. Cya yall later!!!!!

May 17, 2009

Totaly random but...

OK guys, I need yalls opinion. I was trying to get up into the goose neck of my trailer, when I almost fell to my death. I'm not kidding. I almost cracked my head open on the bar that was les than an inch from my face. But at the moment my boots were really muddy, and I accidentaly got mud on the carpet that lines the wall that is under the goosneck. My mothe then comes in and yells at me for getting mud on the wall. Is there something wrong with that, or am I just crazy.

May 12, 2009

Heres the other one! I forgot to put it on...


Just got back from Florida and the funeral. Here are some pictures that my mom took at the beach: 

May 10, 2009

I'm here in Florida...

So I'm in Florida (This isn't really the most "vaca" kinda trip, but you know.) So I've gotten a little bit of a tan, since I have time to. Everyone else is busy... but anyway. I've been wandering around aimlessly, and have actually bought some stuff... I got an adorable belt w/ a buckle, and some really cute peace sign earings. My life here consists of beach, watching adults talk, being on the phone, and wandering around aimlessly. So I'll go for now, but call me if yall want. I'll proly be able to talk. 

May 2, 2009

HOLY S**T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DID YALL SEE THE DERBY?????? HOLY S**T!!!!!!! Where in the HELL did that horse come from????? Mine that bird. DAMN. THAT WAS INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 1, 2009

Friggin Migraine... And Fabulous Flares

I have a HUGE migraine right now. It sucks. I just laid in my bed for two hours doing nothing, because i couldnt go to sleep, which would have been nice. I'm grounded from my celphone, so im really upset about that. Argh... but anyway. Nothing majorly new has happened in my life, well nothing that is worthy of putting up here. I am happy cuz i bought a fabulous pair of jeans yesterday. (Along with a fabulous top and fabulous gladiators...) But they are acid wash flares that are practically white, and my butt looks AMAZING in them. Can't wait to wear them Monday!!!!! Hehehe...

PS: BTW, Fabulous Flares are just as important for a girl to have as Fabulous Forearms are important for a guy. They are both nessecities to lok good in this world...

Apr 29, 2009

It's been a long day. I'm sitting here in English, and I'm supposed to be writing a freewrite, but oh well. I'll finish that in a few. Nohting new has happened really. Just the same old daily grind. Well I'll write some more once something actually HAPPENS. Cya yall later!!!

Apr 27, 2009

Rents are fighting again...

They fight about the most random stuff. At least they aren't throwing things... but its so annoying to listen to it as back round music 24/7. Now my mother is picking at him about his cheese grating style. She says that the thick grater is not the one to use. It's the thinner holed grater that is the better one. Oh! And now they are arguing about how many blueberries to buy at once. See what I mean. I think I should very obviously listen to my music very loudly to make a point. Haha. thats briliant... here we go!!!! Papa Roach will cover up thier noise... ahhhh sweet relief...

Apr 26, 2009

Ice cream and feelin sick

I'm sitting here eating ice cream (surprise surprise!!!). It's caramel praline crunch w/ chocolate syrup, out of the carton. Absolutely fabulous. I've been feeling really sick all day, like light headed and dizzy. I slept for four hours when I meant to take a thirty minute nap. It was ridiculous. But anyway, I go back to school tomorrow, (argh) but I'll be with my besties so I guess it's better. Cya for now!

Up to Early...

Went to bed at one, woke up at seven. I'm just the peppiest thing in the world. NOT. Argh. I am now currently eating my extremely nutritional breakfast of two chocolate fudge pop-tarts. Mmmm...

Up to late...

I am up way to late and am very bored. Just finished watching Lost in Austen, the movie. Very good, but I'm not so sure i liked the casting for the main character. The movie was really long, and British, and I haven't heard an American's voice for over 3 hours, so all of my thoughts have a thick British accent. It's REALLY creeping me out...

Apr 25, 2009

Hey yall!!! Please check out my Polyvore account. If you have an acount please fav some of my sets.... I really need it.
The Hexagon!!! That is the "name"of our group... haha. Top left to right: Max, Charles, Matt, Me, James, Anna
Me and my boys: Charles, Me, and Matt
Don't we all love James?
Anna and I
Ok so I said that I would put pics of our group and me up so here:
Charles he's my bf btw
So I thought I should introduce my best friends by giving you some of thier pictures to reference when I mention them in the future. These aren't all of my bff's, but only the ones that go to my school. The only one I didn't have a pic of is Max. In my next entry I'll have a pic of him with our group. Oh and I guess I should add some pictures of myself...

DC flower experiment

Ok... Here goes my first post.... So I just got back from a fabulous DC trip, and I took a few pictures of some flowers in the Mount Vernon gardens. I got home, uploaded them to my laptop, and messed with them on Picasa. Here are the products:
They aren't the greatest, but they are my first, and I like them. Haha