Recently (at camp) I have been reading a good bit. But I wanted to tell y'all about this book I just finished:
Wildwood Dancing. It is based on traditional Translyvanian Folklore, so it is definetly a fantasy novel. It is very well written, and I could NOT put it down. I was addicted!!!!!!! I can't wait to go to the book store and buy the second one!
Here is a review that someone wrote on Amazon:
I am a huge fan of Juliet Marillier's Sevenwaters trilogy and was so excited to hear that she was delving into a more light-hearted, young-adult style with her latest novel. This is one of those rare books that captures you instantly and keeps you reading late into the night just so you can find out how it ends.
Wildwood Dancing is a whimsical twist on the story of the twelve dancing princesses. Juliet Mariller has chisled away at seven of the sisters and left us with a faerie tale about five young sisters who, on the night of the full moon, venture to the wildwood forest, a place of faeries and other creatures, where they can spend these nights dancing and being merry.
The heroine of the story is Jena, the second eldest of the sisters and the one who seems to be the most in charge. Jena's best friend is her pet frog Gogu, who she can communicate with.
The story has many themes and issues that are all very adult in context. The story starts out with Jena and her sisters being left alone as there father travels far away to do business. The girls are left to care for the castle and this is something they are fine with...until there conniving cousin Cezar comes into the mix. Cezar is one of the BEST villians I have loathed in a long, long time. He wants power, and when the girls get news that there father is ill and may not return, Cezar moves himself into the castle and decides he is in charge. The elements of sexism and women not having rights is strong and I was very irritated at the way the girls were treated by Cezar just because they are female.
There is plenty of magic and romance in this novel and it is beautifully written and elegantly paced. I relished every last page of this book!
If you are looking for a somewhat historical, magical, light-hearted, romantic tale, then you should definetly pick this book!
I REALLY want y'all to read this book! It is absolutely fabulous.
Here is the Amazon link if you want to read the first few pages:
Click the cover picture on the page to "LOOK INSIDE."
If you do want to read it, you can borrow my copy.